The indigenous people (Vadda) of Sri Lanka

The indigenous people (Vadda) of Sri Lanka are a minority community.The indigenous people of Sri Lanka are divided into three parts according to the provinces.They are called Anuradhapura vadda,Coastal vadda, Bintenna vadda(Mahiyanganaya) The Vaddas of Sri Lanka acting in accordance with the Sinhala-Tamil Hindu culture.There is a conection between Anuradhapura Vaddas and coastal Vaddas.Uruwarige Wannilaththo of Bintenne Vadda regarded as leader of Vaddas in Lanka. uchyjcpt5jw/Xv1eBQ_MiLI/AAAAAAAAGFI/uZpo6jqn9zUxyYZPBGcftaxdR9er722PwCK4BGAsYHg/s2592/WP_20181224_025.jpg" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"> A model of a house built to escape the threat of elephants A model of a house built to escape the threat of elephants Vadda leader's house Vadda leader's house Vadda leader's house With Vadda leader Vadda leader's house